Energy Solar Institute of the Polytechnic University of Madrid, IES-UPM
The Technical University of Madrid stands out as the top technical university in Spain. Within this university, researchers at the Solar Energy Institute have been pioneering the development of a latent heat thermophotovoltaic battery since the project’s inception.
UPM is the scientific and technical coordinator of the SUNSON project, leading the quality assurance and risk management evaluation. In technological terms, UPM will also be in charge of the development of the TPV conversion generator for an advanced heat-to-power conversion, and its integration in the SUNSON-BOX.

Idener, IDE
IDENER Research & Development is the IDENER division focused on the R&D activities of the group. Specifically, IDENER R&D investigates the multidisciplinary field of Computational Science and its application of systems and processes in key areas: Industrial Technologies, ICTs, Biotechnology, Energy, Resource and Raw Materials Efficiency.
IDENER R&D will be responsible for the ultra-high temperature multi-physical modelling, the creation of the SUNSON-TOOL, techno-economic analysis, and replicability evaluation for stakeholder engagement. IDENER is leading the Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication activities. Additionally, IDENER supports UPM in the project coordination developing a robust data and management strategy for the SUNSON project.

Almeria Solar Platform, PSA-CIEMAT
In the province of Almeria in southeast Spain, on the edge of Tabernas Desert, lies the Plataforma Solar de Almeria (PSA). Owner and operator of the PSA is the Spanish research centre for energy, and environmental studies and technology for many years. On this over-250-acre site, the full force of the Andalusian sun has been exploited since 1980 for the testing and optimisation of a variety of high-temperature solar technologies under nearly practicable conditions. More than 20,000 square metres of mirrors of various shapes in different test facilities concentrate the direct solar radiation to generate high and extremely high temperatures.
PSA is the largest test centre in Europe for concentrating high-temperature solar technologies, leading the world in its variety.
The SUNSON prototype will be validated at PSA facilities. They will also oversee the RES integration with enhanced optics for micro-CSP beam-down approach.

This SME of recent creation is an end-to-end, customer-oriented environmental solutions company that is centred on circular economy, eco-design, and sustainability services in Europe and around the world. The company offers a broad portfolio of technologies, products, & solutions focused on different sectors such as manufacturing, energy efficiency, industry and waste valorisation, offering advanced environmental and sustainable solutions.
Within SUNSON, HOLOSS leverages its expertise in accelerating the progress of the LCA, safe and sustainable by design, energy and materials modelling ontologies and digital passport to provide support in integrating sustainability into design, innovation and evaluation of products, services and policies.

Ionvac Process Srl is a high-tech SME, founded in 2001, dedicated to the design and production of tools, equipment and accessories for industrial and research applications. The company works in the fields of Energy, Aerospace, Engineering, Electronics, Optics and Biology, providing customised solutions for the development of research prototypes and industrial systems. The company’s core business is focused on the production of high and ultra-high vacuum systems and plasma technologies such as: atmospheric pressure plasma torches; CVD (chemical vapour deposition); PECVD (Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition); HWCVD (hot wire chemical vapour deposition); ICP-PECVD (Inductively Coupled Plasma) for the deposition of thin films for various applications.
IONVAC is in charge of the demo engineering and commissioning of the SUNSON-BOX prototype at PSA´s facilities.

Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU
The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) is Norway's largest university, with eight faculties, the University Museum and more than 42,000 students and 7,400 full-time equivalent employees (2018). NTNU is the primary Norwegian university in engineering and technology, but it is also a full range university. More than 360 PhD degrees are awarded annually (2017) within the fields of technology, science, arts and humanities, social sciences and medicine, of which 43 per cent are international PhD students.
Within SUNSON, the Department of Materials Science and Engineering of NTNU will synthetise and characterise materials for ultra-high temperature storage, developing and testing the PCM-TES system, as the storage core of the SUNSON-BOX.
Collaborative Projects
Storing sunshine and wind to make cheap energy available at all times.
The Thermobat project will develop the first latent heat thermophotovoltaic battery to store large amounts of renewable energy